up-lifter #1

Developed for individuals from any walk of life who want to control frustration and build a personal plan for success!

The Marketing Method #2

The ideal tool for small business owners who wish to understand and drive their own marketing. Truly effective and cost-effective

Turn The Bull To Your Advantage #3

Where it all began. The forerunner of the Marketing Method initially developed in 2000.  



When I was struggling stress-ridden teenager my father gave me a book called Think and Grow Rich. He only said - I think you should read that!' Basically, it deals with positive thinking and visualisation. It worked for me.

Much later in life I discovered another inspiring book -  It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be: by Paul Arden. Have a look on Amazon. It's the ideal tool to reset your outlook from negative to positive.

We all face problems and challenges from time to time. Worry just gobbles up time and makes you unhappy. Up-lifter is the totally practical way to talk your way through problems and plan for the life you want

It's a step you need to take to make your dreams become reality. Try it! £50 is small price for happiness and a more fulfilling life.




I started further education at Edinburgh College of Art and then transferred to London Central School of Art & Design to study product design.

London itself was a monster learning  experience. I was a fairly average student but managed to win a Royal Society of Arts Travelling Bursary.

My home town is Hawick in the Scottish Borders, also home to the luxury Scottish cashmere industry. It's normal for local companies to trade with international brands based in the metropolitan capitals around the world. In my first year as a young designer, I travelled to Florence, Milan, Paris, Dusseldorf as well as London - staying the best hotels - because that's where my target audience stayed!


Learning The Tools Of My Trade 

It was with Braemar that I cut my management teeth. I was under a lot of pressure early on in my career because I didn't have a network for colour and fashion trends or a workable understanding of target customers and project planning.  

Through my friendship with Scottish artist William Johnstone, I met John Claridge who supplied woven accessories to many of the fashion brand names in Paris. My colour and fashion trend problems faded away. I taught myself project planning and put a lot of time learning about my target audiences. And, to improve my technical skills I attended one day a week at the local knitted textiles college. It was at this time I started to get seriously interested in marketing and branding.

Surprisingly, there was little support from the 'bosses' and I often encountered answers such as - 'You're the designer, you should know.'  When you ask someone who should know something that they don't - an aggressive reaction is fairly standard. I stopped asking and set out to find the answers myself. 

After 8 years, I'd had enough. Half way through yet another mindless discussion, I announced I was leaving. It was totally reactive but I then had to start my own business.

Teaching  Students Was Another Important Learning Curve 

I started out as a freelance designer and I was fortunate to be appointed as a part-time lecturer at The Scottish College of Textiles - to help pay the bills. 

I worked mainly with 1st and 2nd year students. I enjoyed it immensely. Some of the work was quite exciting. It was a bit of a surprise when head of the department asked me to help with five final year students. Why me? "Because these students are failing. You work in the commercial world and we think that might make the difference!" Daunting!

up-lifter Was Born at College!

So, I was introduced to the famous five. I refused to talk to them in the studio where everyone would eavesdrop and I marched them along the corridor until I found an empty room. I let instinct lead me. There was a chalkboard in the room and I started by writing down their names. Forgetting someone's name is never good.

I didn't talk about their work or about myself. I asked each of them what qualification they would get on graduation. Not one said they were failing!!

I then read out the official marks from their full time lecturers. There were tears, anger and a few stony faces. They were all failing! They looked beaten. Their dress, hair, personal hygiene and body language signalled - failure!

I then asked each of them what they would like to achieve at graduation and I wrote the target qualification next to each name. 

Next we looked at their timetable. This was 'bread and butter' stuff for me. You have to work out the stages involved in your project and set deadlines for each. Their graduation date was 5 months away but after calculations we agreed that their degree show sketch range had to be finalised in 3 weeks time. Bombshell!

We had been talking for less than 2 hours and as they got ready to leave with a totally different outlook on the world, I touched on the very sensitive topic of dress and personal hygiene. I had a brainwave. 'One last thing. What are you training to be? "Designers!!!" So, if you want to be a designer - dress like a designer!

Three days later I was back in college and made my way to the 4th year studio. The difference was night and day. Five very attractive young women, smartly dress, hair and makeup in order - working like designers! And, it was all down to...

...no criticism, facing the facts, setting goals and timescales and embracing some personal discipline -

Don't just think about it. Do something about it!

That exercise with five students was the foundation of my personal and business development process that I've been teaching for over 20 years.

Award Winning Martinshouse Design & Marketing

Interest in marketing started back in my Braemar days. In addition to freelance design, I started a graphic design company with one designer. As the company grew, two things happened. I employed a marketing man and appointed Dale as our office manager. Then business really started to take off and soon I had to consider bigger premises. About this time, I met the best accountant I have worked with. He taught me not to be frightened  about money at a higher level. 

I went looking for offices and bought a farm.

I spent a lot of time looking for the right premises for a burgeoning rural marketing agency - and I found it at Martinshouse. 

I talked to my wife then approached the farmer who, as it so happens, was thinking about retirement. We shook hands on the deal over the back of his tractor and year later The Roundel, a 17th century horse-driven threshing mill, was our new offices. 

The 'go-to' Agency for Golf Marketing

We ended up with a number of golf clients - Glenmuir (winners of the Scottish Marketing Awards), Lynx Golf Clubs ( played by Ernie Els and Freddie Couples), ProQuip Rainwear and a number of smaller companies.

We built expertise in forestry harvesting machinery with Valmet and social housing with Waverley, Eildon, Scottish Borders Housing Association and BHA.

I ended up helping with overseas market development in most western European countries and Japan. I was travelling all over the country and clocked up between 30 40,000 miles a year by car.

When I reached 50, I decided to reduce the travelling and started to consider new ways of doing business.

Call To Action

Turn The Bull To Your Advantage  

In the summer of 1999, I spend 3 months analysing our marketing services and by late summer had the draft of my first business planning and marketing process - TURN THE BULL TO YOUR  ADVANTAGE.

When a new customer arrived at our offices. He was big and very angry and announced that he had tried everything, spending a lot of money and nothing was working. I invited him in, calmed him down and listened.

I presented our new business development process and he signed on. The package was £500 for the process and 10 mentoring sessions at £250 per half day.

Months later, out of the blue, a lettered arrived from that same client. 

'We have told many people about TTBTYA and genuinely feel this is the best business move we have ever made.'


The Martinshouse Method

Early in 2014, we decided to launch version 2 to accommodate the social media revolution. Otherwise the 10 step process remained true to the tried and tested system but with a new brand name. All the promotion and presentation materials were updated at the same time.

I was still delivering mentoring sessions that, while immensely effective, were time consuming for me and limiting the number we could properly handle at one time. The answer was of course to deliver a training programme online. Work started on this new development 2019. Now we have two online courses - The Martinshouse Method and up-lifter.

Get up-lifter 

To Make The Most Of Your Potential!

up-lifter is for individuals in any walk of life.

I realised that my own family were facing the same challenges as everyone else. They became my first target audience, so I know first hand how daunting it is to offer help and not be ignored out of hand. The online course even offers suggestions to invite your stress-ridden nearest and dearest to have a 'chat'!

'I wasn't at all interested when I was offered up-lifter. But I finally took the plunge. I have no idea why I didn't just jump at the beginning. I found I had a place to list all my gripes,  groans, challenges as well new ideas and a step by step plan for positive action. I felt immediate release. I stopped whirling, realised how unhappy I was and actually refreshed knowing I had an answer!

I Want up-lifter Today

If you're not quite ready to get started...

...at least try the SHIT LIST

Stop worrying and start writing!

Every day, we're bombarded with new situations, problems, or even fresh opportunities. As a result, life often becomes overloaded and stressful.

The first essential step in getting control back into your life is - to write down all your problems and unfulfilled ideas.

Start your very own SHIT LIST! It’s dead straightforward. There's nothing to fear, no risk and nothing to pay.  Just download the SHIT LIST now. 

WHY? Because you can’t keep everything in your head!

You decide whether to make your notes on your mobile, computer or pen and paper -  but always keep your notes !!!

The practical answer is the up-lifter SHIT LIST!

Send me the SHIT LIST template FOC!